UMass Boston Biologist Discovers Frogs Impacted by Deadly Disease in Panama Are Making a Comeback

Sachatamia albomaculata, taken in January 2018 by Doug Woodhams

Read about the study in the New York Times featured by Carl Zimmer, A Few Species of Frogs That Vanished May Be on the Rebound.

Also on ScienceNews: Some frogs may be bouncing back after killer chytrid fungus (featured by Susan Milius), UMass Boston News, and Commentary in Science by Prof. Jim Collins, Arizona State University, “Change is Key to Frog Survival”.


Douglas C. Woodhams, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
UMass Boston | Department of Biology
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, Massachusetts 02125
Phone: 617-287-6679